THE MEDALLION HAS BEEN FOUND! Congratulations to the winners Kem & Patrick. Here is the clue that they found it on.
I have given you a Taste of Seattle during your hungry search,
’Tis a garden Center Square, yet of Fun Forest there’s a sign,
First you’ll smite the hedera heads and then you’ll find the prize.
Success? Have a stout on me: barley, malt, yeast, and vine!
Bumbershoot Connection
We would have been remiss if we hadn’t talked about the fine food and drink to be found each year at Bumbershoot. Some of you may not realize that the Taste of Seattle was started at Bumbershoot in 1981 and was the precursor for today’s Bite of Seattle. There is also a reference to “Center Square” (Center Square Stage), which is now where a Beer Garden resides allowing people great seats to listen to performances.
Clue Theme: Ivy
Beginning with the second line, the Center Square Stage is where the Fun Forest was formerly located and forest and garden indicate we are looking for something flora. Hedera heads is a direct reference to ‘ivy’ and to the specific location of this year’s medallion. The use of the word ‘garden’ in line two also has the double-meaning of “beer garden” as there will be at the Center Square Stage at Bumbershoot as well as to the many bars and pubs that are located near this year’s prize. The last line refers to the basic ingredients of beer save one, vine. This odd man out, ‘vine’ also directly references our ‘ivy‘ answer. The word smite is used in conjunction with hedera to indicate that it will be necessary to cut back the ivy to find this year’s medallion.